The crew of Wagenborg Towage was quickly mobilized on Friday evening and was on its way to Hamburg from Eemshaven within hours of the call with the 60 tBP ASD tugboat. On arrival on Saturday morning, the Rijnborg was connected and the tow could begin to her home port Delfzijl. After 24 hours, the ship arrived at the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard for repairs.
Wagenborg safely assists a vast range of vessels from and to their berthing places at the ports in the Ems region. We are always ready with a dedicated 24/7 service. Wagenborg provides tug assistance to various vessels in the ports of Delfzijl, Eemshaven and other ports and in the Dutch and German part of the Ems. This includes multipurpose vessels, roro vessels, oil and chemicals tankers and container vessels. With modern and highly sophisticated tugs, we carry out operations safely and with a minimum number of tugs required per job.