Green improvements MV Egbert Wagenborg after 1st class renewal
12 May 2022

Green improvements MV Egbert Wagenborg after 1st class renewal

After a few weeks of regular maintenance for her first class renewal the MV Egbert Wagenborg has been taken into service again. During this docking period in Klaipėda, the 13.800 DWCC Easymax vessel received various ‘green’ updates. This makes this vessel even greener and more environmentally friendly.

Across Wagenborg’s activities, we strive to minimize the negative impact on the environment related to our operations and we comply with regulatory demands to limit air emissions and do not harm ocean health. This is part of our sustainability strategy.

Shore power

That is why a shore power connection was installed the Egbert Wagenborg. With this, the vessel can be 'plugged in' during port stays. This eliminates the need for auxiliary engines to run and minimizes emissions of harmful gases in urban areas.

In addition a ballast water treatment system was installed. With the installation of this system, the Egbert Wagenborg meets the international rules and regulations as described in the International Maritime Organization’s Ballast Water Management Convention to improve ocean health. Sounds simple, but it is quite a job to fit and position the system and pipes in the engine room.

Lifetime extension of the fleet

It is the biggest dilemma in shipping: how do we ensure that, in this era with a great focus on sustainability, ships actually achieve the intended lifespan of 25-30 years? Given the relatively young age of our fleet (~14 years) and therefore a relatively long remaining lifespan, sustainable innovations and adjustments are essential. The superintendents within Wagenborg monitor the quality of a ship during dockings, such as recently with the m.s. Egbert Wagenborg.

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